Puppy Skills Training #1

Teaching a dog to obey commands is vital for his own safety. A dog running into the road is a danger to himself and motor vehicles. You are that dog's eyes and ears when it comes to danger, and it's essential when you issue a command, he obeys. Once you realize a puppy craves praise and is prepared to do anything to get it, training becomes much easier.

The two most vital skills to learn from an early age are 'sit' and 'recall'.

Consistency is King

Decide on your command words and make sure all family members use them. A puppy is easily confused, inconsistent use of commands will slow his learning.

In the early stages, reward spontaneous actions such as sitting or urinating in the garden. For example, when the puppy approaches you for a fuss, use your command word, 'here', and give him a big fuss. Then try getting his attention with a treat and as he runs to you, use the command word 'here'. At first this is just a happy coincidence but as he learns the 'here' means a treat; it triggers a chain of thought that makes him run to you. The same rules apply for 'sit'.

A Word of Caution

Recall can be incredibly frustrating to teach. If the dog ignores the command by the time he wanders over, your patience may be stretched to breaking point. The natural reaction is to berate him for taking his time. However, from the dog's eye view, he then associates 'here' with a telling off which makes him reluctant to approach you the next time.

The correct reaction is to bottle that frustration, and when he wanders over give him a huge fuss. Indeed, when out for a walk, avoid the temptation to click the leash on immediately when he returns. This is akin to a punishment. Instead, make fun things happen first, such as a game of tug or a treat, and then put the leash on.


Puppy Skills Training #2


Crate Training Basics