Puppy Skills Training #2


Puppies are wonderfully equipped with the ability to encounter new experiences and accept them as normal. This wonderful time when the brain is open to being molded is called the socialization period. This precious opportunity is greatest up to 12 weeks of age, after that the speed of learning slows to 18 weeks, when the door closes.

The wise puppy owner takes advantage of this receptive period to get the puppy used to having all parts of his body handled and touched. This is invaluable later in life, should the dog be ill. A dog used to having his paws fondled is less stressed by a trip to the vet to have his sore pad sorted out. Likewise, it makes the dog safer around children, who may make a grab for ears or tails.

The aim is to get the dog comfortable with having all areas of his body touched, from nose to tail. The list includes: looking in ears, lifting his lip, picking up each foot, rubbing his belly, stroking his back, and lifting his tail.

In a young dog, simply touch all areas of his and reward his acceptance. Incorporate this into his daily grooming regime. If the dog is uncomfortable with an area, or growls, gently withdraw and don't make a big thing of it. Next time distract him with a treat and lightly touch the area. With his mind focused on the treat he is likely to let you gently handle the area. Keep the contact brief and light, and always give a reward. Repeat this daily, whilst increasing the amount of time you touch the no-go zone before puppy gets his reward. Eventually, he associates your touch with something nice, and accepts handling.

Repeat this training frequently, certainly at least once every day, but be alert for accidental opportunities to reward good behavior, such as lifting his lip while he comes for a belly rub.


Puppy Skills Training #3


Puppy Skills Training #1